Sad the Christmas festive season is over?….. Lets start looking forward to the next celebration shall we? Nothing less than Valentine’s day
You might want to plan ahead and do that something romantic. Think about that special place you might want to take your better half to, maybe re discover the very first place where you met or a humble candle lit dinner worthy of putting your culinary skills to the test or how about a cosy local restaurant for the more laid back evening, a mini vacation to show your love on this special day? or reach the culmination of Valentine’s Day by asking the magical four words………..’Will you marry me’
Whatever you choose to do, plan it well and this is just the time for that. Start with the gift, no gift no remembrance of that special occasion. And don’t be stingy. If you’re going to propose the choice of gift is easy, for the rest put your thinking caps on. The gift must speak silent words of love and admiration, devoutness and dedication and no perfume doesn’t cut it.
Good luck folks, may the force of love be with you!