Following up on the previous post, I felt that this deserved a post entirely dedicated to it.
As mentioned before many persons are concerned that their loved one is having as much fun as everybody else and is not getting overwhelmed and anxious. The following are tips suggested by Ms Wendy Perry (DSDC) for fun, stress free wedding in Malta.
Reserve a small quiet space, when the noise and the stimulation is getting too much , this is the go to space for the person, as well as a number of guests who might need a bit of quiet. Your wedding organiser will be able to organise this for you.
Support, support , support, whether engaging a professional, or a family member will be supporting the individual, plan seating so that they are sitting next to each other and have familiar faces at their table, there are agencies who can be hired specifically for this cause. If having a reception reserve seating specifically for the person and their companion.
The beautiful Maltese weather may at times be quite hot, ensure that the person has access to cooling drinks, and shade. If you need to engage a companion/care worker, do speak with your wedding planner, as they will be able to help you choose the best service to suit your loved ones needs. It is advisable that the engaged person is briefed and introduced to the person concerned, as well as supportive relatives and friends.
There is no reason for the person living with dementia not to join in with the celebrations.
Should you like to donate towards a local charity in lieu of wedding favours, The Malta Dementia Society has bookmarks that may be used to inform your guests that a donation has been made. It would be indeed a nice gesture which would be appreciated by many.